099: Millionaire Mindset-starting your day

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Are you ready to become a top producing real estate agent? Today on the show we have best selling author and top salesman Hal Elrod. After breaking a 50 year old sales record at Cutco in just seven days, Hal was hit head on by a drunk driver, died for 6 minutes, and was told that he had sustained permanent brain damage and would never be able to walk again after waking up from his coma.

Today, Hal is a best selling author, coach and father. Join us as Hal shares how you can unlock the secrets to success with some powerful personal development techniques.

The  Formula for Success

Most people think that the rich hold some secret over the poor. Surely, that is why they seem to succeed at everything they do and while others don’t. In truth, Hal points out that all the ingredients of success are easily accessible to every human being on the planet. Here are the things you need to focus on to achieve huge success:

1. Enthusiasm: No matter what it is you do, you have to be interested in it if you are going to achieve mass success. Enthusiasm is contagious and will drive you to push yourself to reach new heights. It’s the fire in your belly!

2. Work Ethic: You have to be 200% committed to working towards your goal every single day. Most people trick themselves into thinking they work hard, when in reality they don’t accomplish anything at the end of the day. Your income is directionally proportionate to your hustle. As an agent, the more you focus on making calls and farming, the more listings you’ll have. Anything else that does not directly contribute to the bottom line should be done before or after work hours.

3. Don’t Take Things Personally: Why can some agents make 100 calls a day and others fear the phone? It’s because they know how to separate their emotions from results they can’t control. You’re bound to have bad calls and reach no leads for hours on end. People who become emotionally attached to results out of their control end up frustrated and finding an easier way to make money. Focus on your hustle and avoid emotional attachment to work and you will succeed.

4. Make Your Goals Relatable: Most people rationalize their current position in life by making excuses and calling successful people ‘luckier’ or ‘smarter’ than they are. They create a separation between themselves and other successful people out there. In order to succeed, you must shift your mindset- there is no difference between you and someone more successful. You are both simple human beings. In fact, their success serves as clear confirmation that it can be done by anyone!

5. Find A Mentor: You’ve heard it countless times on Super Agents Live- mentors accelerate your success. Find someone in your field that has not only reached your desired level of success and is willing to help you, put will push you to do whatever it takes to succeed. You may have noticed that this is also the only item in the list that is external- that’s because you already have everything you need to succeed within you, mentors just get you there a bit faster.

The Habits Of Successful People

After losing his house, majority of his income and being forced to live off credit card debt when the recession hit in 2008, Hal became extremely depressed. He gained a lot of weight and spent most of his time at home or in bed. A friend suggested he take a quick morning run to combat his depression, and it was then that Hal decided to focus on personal development every single day moving forward. After a lot of research, he’s put together 6 things we can all do to help us succeed in an easy to remember acronym called SAVERS.

1. Wake Up Early: In order to implement SAVERS correctly, you will have to wake up an hour earlier every day. Successful people don’t snooze away life- they work on themselves while the rest of the world sleeps so they can have 10x results when it comes time to work.

2. Silence: This represents meditation- one of the hardest yet rewarding steps of The Miracle Morning. Hal recommends meditation to clear your mind and have clarity throughout your day. You can get started using guided meditation apps such as Simply Being, Head Space and Calm.

3. Affirmation: This represents the use of written statements that articulate who you are committed to becoming. Affirmations are the fastest way to reprogram your brain to making you into the person you need to be to accomplish your goals. Hal credits affirmations to helping him overcome brain damage. An example of an affirmation you can use is, ‘I am just as worthy, deserving and capable of _________ as any other person on this planet and I am committed to living today in alignment with that truth.’

4. Visualizations: This part of The Miracle Morning has two steps- not only do you have to visualize the future and make it real but you must place equal weight in visualizing what must be done today I’m order to accomplish your goal.

5. Exercise: Although most people do a full workout later in the day, adding a 10 minute routine to your morning will help you increase mental cognitiveness, energy and clarity before going to work.

6. Reading: Reading just 10 pages every morning will lead to reading 3,650 pages of personal development every year. You’re bound to become a better person every day!

7. Scribing: Putting your thoughts and tasks onto paper is the best way to a clear mind. Hal recommends you write down what you are grateful for and 3 things you need to do today to make sure you reach your goal. A great app to get you started is the 5 Minute Journal.

Books Mentioned

Meditation Made Simple by Russell Simmons

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod or visit miraclemorning.com for your free fast track starter kit!

Get a free copy using our link www.audibletrial.com/superagentslive

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