
Super Agents Live was conceived on a talk show.  I was invited to come tell my story on a show called The Eventual Millionaire.  The show interviews Millionaires and asks them how they did it as well as, give advice to aspiring millionaires.  I was asked what I would tell people who wanted to make a million.  My answer was “Pick the right vehicle”.  If you wanted to travel across the Gobi desert you would not attempt it in a Ferrari—you need to have a 4 wheel drive with extra gas tanks—– the right vehicle.

Too many people hear stories about the next new app that made the founder a multi-millionaire in a few short years.  Consequently, people go out and try to build a tech company or web app only to fail.  In fact the vast majority of these ventures never earn the founder even a modest salary much less millions.

These moon shots are simply not the right vehicle for making a million dollars.  On the show I explained that if you want to become a millionaire; find a vehicle/industry where lots of people have done it before.  There is no better industry than real estate.  In real estate you don’t have to have a fancy education or lots of connections.  You don’t need to have a lot of money or specialized knowledge to begin with—–all you need is DRIVE.

That revelation was the beginning of Super Agents Live.  I started looking around for resources that agents had available to be successful and quickly realized that the real estate industry is broken, fragmented and essentially stuck in the 70’s. For the most part all aspiring agents have available is to buy a book (most are not great), attend a seminar or hire a coach.  I wanted to change the landscape.

Early in my career I was deeply affected by Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and thought that if I followed his footsteps I could make a difference in people’s lives. I went out and started interviewing the most successful people in real estate and so far it has been inspirational.  These Super Agents spill their guts in these sessions and give actionable advice for the aspiring agent.

Luckily I have a deep background in real estate, as a sales guy and as an entrepreneur. That background has allowed me to be able to dig out the nuggets of gold that these people deliver.  If you are interested in my full story go to www.localhost/tobsalgado in episode 1 I introduce myself and share my personal story.

Let me share with you what I hope to accomplish with this project. As you probably know there are lots of coaches out there that will tell you that if you buy their products or go to their seminars your business will increase by 50% or something. The problem is that the elusive tips and tricks are behind a pay wall.  You have to pay in order to get the information that will increase your business.  I am sure that their products and seminars work to a degree and I in no way am telling you not to buy their stuff or that they are full of crap. In fact I have had many of these people on the show and they have been great episodes.

I just think that there is a better way to help people grow their businesses and improve their lives and it starts with FREE.  I feel that the internet has paved a path of providing value through free content.  People can get valuable information before spending their hard earned dollars.  That is why our interviews are free and will always be free. While we do have costs for our studio, marketing and bandwidth we feel that by selling sponsorship and creating other products like our Mastermind groups, Super Agent Nation Forum and Webinars we can cover our costs and pay our staff.

The other innovation we have seen over the last few years is the concept of crowdsourcing; that is tapping into the collective intelligence of the community. Look at kickstarter.com and quora—If I have a question, problem or need funding the power of the crowd is magical.  At Super Agents Live we are tapping into the top producing agents in the nation and sharing their stories with our audience.  We believe in the power of the crowd so much that our “pay” products they are designed on a “group” model approach. Our Mastermind groups and Super Agent Nation Forum is designed to bring like-minded people together so that we can all learn from the successes and mistakes of others.

Imagine if we could we get to a point where 500 people donate $10 dollars to fund a marketing experiment to see if it works.  Wouldn’t that be better than you spending $5,000 dollars of your own money to try it out in your market?  That might sound a little crazy but, its fun to dream.

Let me share with you my goal for Super Agents Live.
1.  Build the premiere brand for real estate agents to gain information
a.  We want to be the Wikipedia of real estate
b.  We want to catalog a list of marketing strategies, business plans and scripts/dialogues

2.  Create the largest community in the world for aspiring and veteran real estate agents
a.  We want to be the first thing you look at in the morning and the last thing at night
b.  We hope people will make friends and find mentors in our forums

3.  Reduce and flatten the learning curve for agents
a.  It shouldn’t take 3 years to be successful, armed with the right information new agents    will come out of the gate having the same knowledge as a 20 year veteran

My stretch goal is that entrepreneurs in all walks of life can listen to these Super Agents and improve their businesses.  Whether you own a donut shop or a landscaping business it is all about sales.  Nothing happens until somebody sells something and the real gun slingers sell real estate.

If you have read this far I know you are going to succeed—-only someone super motivated would have made it this far.  You clearly want to succeed and are in the right place.  I personally want to thank you for being here——I am excited to go on this journey with you.
