031: The Power of Belief–Tom Rubens shares how to uncover the pillars of truth and succeed!

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Serial Entrepreneur Tom Rubens shares his experiences owning a basketball team and selling real estate.  I promise that you will be inspired from this episode.

In this episode Tom shares:

  1. How to build your business by mastering time management
  2. How to focus on daily dollar productive activities
  3. Why you should go out and hire your first team member and replicate yourself
  4. How he took a risk and bought a basketball team even though; he knew nothing
  5. Why mindset is everything in your business and your life
  6. How to uncover your own personal greatness and win
  7. How to unlock the key to dealing with rejection
  8. Why door knocking will get you to the top in every industry
  9. How to not let rejection define your business
  10. Why to always offer something of value to your clients and market
  11. How to find ways to interact always and often with your clients
  12. Why you should always be servant hearted
  13. Understand the power of belief and how he bought a franchised team
  14. Understand your own pillars of truth–who you are and what you stand for
  15. The power of begging your day with your desires
  16. Dont allow negative energy to penetrate your life—just BELIEVE!

Book:  The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz   The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Personal Habits: Tenacity and a refusal to lose

3 Steps:  Get a mentor—–Listen and practice that they teach

Reach out to Tom at:


email: Tom@tafactor.com

Phone:  937-938-0004