075: 6 Deals to 106 Deals In 12 Months

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

“6 to 106 Deals in 12 Months – Chris Speicher “

In this episode we have Chris Speicher, he works in real estate together with his wife Peggy Lyn

Spiecher. Prior to real estate, he came from strategic marketing, advertising and came from a corporate

mindset – setting them apart from other real estate agents.

Chris Speicher shares

How they rely on their marketing programs

How they focus on what they do best

Why you should know the impact of internet and technology on Real Estate

Why you should remain relevant

How to use technology to stay relevant

How to make sure that people find you online

Why you need to have a marketing plan

How to use technology to make your client experience better

How important Google is in your marketing strategy

Why you should fill-out your free profiles -Trulia, Zillow

Why you need to have the ability to track your clients – up to date database, CRM

The new online business card – book

How Real Estate is a unique industry as compared to others

His focus – running and building the business

How to make people better in what they do

How far you should your projection be for your marketing plan

Know what works and what doesn’t work

How he generates leads

How to convert the highest number of leads

Why you should track all your activities

If things don’t work for you, try other ways like focusing on your sphere

Have an end goal in mind

How you could make $10 Million to $50 Million – grow your wealth

How to think big

How adding zero to their goal made a difference

Get your mindset throughout the day

How much is enough

How much do we need to get where we want to be

Book recommendations

Life by Design by Tom Ferry

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

Get a free copy of these books just use our link   www.audibletrial.com/superagentslive

Reach Chris Spiecher through


Twitter – @SpeicherGroup

Facebook – Chris Speicher