087: Wall Street to Real Estate Millions

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

087:  Sharran Strivatsa

MBA to Wall Street and then onto Real Estate for a higher earning potential

The cofounder of Teles Properties over 2.2 Billion in volume last year named one of the fastest growing companies

Sharran shares how:

He went on 68 listing appointments and he only lost 1 to a geo farmer

He shares the formula for picking a farm in your market

Why he thinks that taking an overpriced home and having a yard sign is worthwhile

Why you should dominate with digital media

How to understand your digital home base and your outpost model

He unpacks the holy grail of lead generation–cold prospects to inbound calls

Why clicking is the new form of voting

How to create your sales funnel

The difference between boosting a facebook post and an ad

Why building a real estate business is like a puzzle–unclear at first but, at 70% it gets clear

Why you need to illustrate your thoughtful process and work

Why you should personalize every piece of marketing content you send out

Why your marketing should be done in campaigns—-i.e. 4 or 6 week campaigns –they need context

Why you should appeal to expired’s on a psychological level

He delivers a fantastic football analogy — and breaks down where you should spend money

Why 17 of his top 20 agents get coaching and 20 of the bottom 20 get no coaching

Sharran said that he would be open to talking with any of you to help you find the right kind of coach

Book:  Platform by Michael Hyatt  get your free copy here www.audibletrial.com/superagentslive

Reach Sharran at


twitter: @sharran and @telesproperties

website:   www.telesproperties.com