105: The Master of Mindset with Rock Thomas

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Are you ready to become a top producing real estate agent? Today on the show we have Super Agent and motivational speaker Rock Thomas. After selling just 1 house in his first year, Rock decided to get some coaching and step up his game. Learning the value of systems and processes, Rock was able to sell multiple listings, purchase, grow and sell a brokerage 10 years later.

Today, Rock is going to teach you how to get your mind right so you can produce at the highest levels.

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Find Your Why

In order to succeed in anything, you have to have a reason behind working so hard day in and day out. If you don’t know what that is yet, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Motive: Everyone is motivated by something. Tony Robbins says most people are driven by inspirations or desperation.
  • Block Out The Noise: Even with a strong why, most people have roadblocks standing in their way planted by peers, family and friends. If you listen to them long enough, you will begin to associate the goal you are striving for with negativity. Block out any negative noise coming your way and focus on your achievements.
  • Train Yourself: Most people quit their goals and make excuses after facing rejection. In order to stick to your goal and stay in line with your why, you will have to shift your mindset when faced with uncomfortable situations. Rock recommends you learn to understand how pain and pleasure affect you and train yourself to see, harness and magnify the pleasure in any situation.

If you do what is difficult in life, life will be easy. If you do what is easy, life will be difficult. (Tweet it!)

Achieving Success

Having a strong why is the starting point to reaching your goals. Here are some other tips that will help you achieve the success you deserve:

  • Go 4% outside your comfort zone: Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, the secret to success is growth. As an agent you have to analyze what is currently working for you and grow that by going just 4% out of your comfort zone. By making this incremental growth daily, overtime you will achieve great things you never thought possible.
  • Find a Mentor: Without a mentor, it would have taken Rock years to achieve his goal, if he ever got there at all. Find someone who has already reached the level of success you desire and mimic them.
  • Change Your Identity: Act as if you are the person you want to be by using positive affirmations daily. (See the Hal Elrod episode for a great way to do this!)
  • Find New Reference Points: You are the average of the 5 people you hang around with and seeing that 80% of the population is broke and lives paycheck to paycheck, that means 4 of your friends probably think wealth is unattainable or is based on complete luck. To achieve success at a faster rate, surround yourself with successful people and your mindset will change.
  • Do Whatever It Takes: The most important thing you can take away from Rock is that you need to make success your duty. Make it a ‘must’ in your mind, not just a ‘should’. Don’t give up and say yes whenever the opportunity presents itself to do something great.

Book For Agents

Start With Why by Simon Sinek   Get a free copy using our link www.audibletrial.com/superagentslive

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