128: Hedge Fund Clients and Visioneering–Greg Kurzner

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Are you ready to become a top producing real estate agent? Today on the show we have Jim Keaty, the hacker of real estate. Originally from Louisiana, Jim went to school in Colorado where he ventured into real estate. Not knowing anyone, he found a coach to teach him the fundamentals of real estate and worked diligently to reach his goals. Today, Jim leads a team of 32 and ended 2013 with 500 transactions worth $110,000,000. Jim talks to use about unique ways to penetrate the market like being a bestselling author, how to set big goals and reach them and creative ways to get new business.

How To Win In Real Estate

Early on in his career, Jim learned that without proper training, he would never succeed. After hiring a coach, Jim learned a few things he accredits to his success today:

  1. Focus On The Essentials: For all the advice and tools out there for real estate agents, JIm advises you master the essentials before you move up the ladder. These skills are the core of your success and should never be diverted from. Those would be getting in touch with clients via door knocking, mailers, phone calls or the web. A day prospecting is a day lost.
  2. Leverage Open Houses: Jim learned early on that open houses can easily accelerate your business, and started to hold multiple open houses every week as a way to meet new people. By holding open houses, Jim was able to meet new people, survey the area and find new listings in that area from sellers, buyers, FISBOs and expireds.
  3. Accountability: The way you do anything tends to be the way you do everything, so if you slack on your numbers one time, chances are you will never reach success. Jim ensured himself that he always reached his quota no matter what it took. He attributes mastering accountability as the thing that catapulted him to success.
  4. Leave Your Comfort Zone: If you are comfortable, you are often not growing. Most people mail or call as way to remain comfortable, but never make the extra effort to be the better agent and meet leads face-to-face. Always aim to continuously challenge yourself in everything you do if you want to succeed.
  5. Be Everywhere: When you are working a certain market, Jim recommends you be everywhere. He executed this every time he had an open house by putting out 50 signs around the neighborhood. This builds instant authority in the market and gives future buyers and sellers a way to remember you the next time they plan to find a realtor.

Adding Value

Being seen as an authority in your market helps you win more transactions than your competitors. Here are some tricks Jim learned from the National Association of Expert Advisors:

  1. Always Add Value: Before joining them, Jim realized that he never had a value proposition. From that point forward, he made it his mission to add value to every transaction on his team. This makes you look more like a professional, and as a result helps you gain more business. He does this by having proper systems, offering guaranteed sales/sell house for free and having no commitments. Your goal should be to make it impossible for people not to do business with you, and when they do, to refer as many people your way as possible.
  2. Look Professional: If you want to be taken seriously, look professional. Jim has a great website, a solid team and is also a published author who appears on network TV thanks to strategist Nick Canton.
  3. Incentivize: Following the ‘Whatever It Takes’ mentality, Jim has found some unique ways to incentivize and reward new leads and past clients for referrals. One very popular thing he does is give away cruises (you read that right) to those who list with him, which is a sure way to win leads over every time.

Books For Agents

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Get your free book at audibletrial.com/superagentslive

Get In Touch With Jim

Visit: jimkeaty.com

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  1. Necessary Success Tool: Most top agents use radio. If you plan on making your way to the top, you need to make sure to have radio as part of your advertising plan.
  2. It’s A Commitment: Radio is a costly commitment to make for your team. Make sure you have the budget and the timeline to back it up.
  3. It’s All About The Systems: To maximize the ROI of radio, you need to have strong systems in place to handle the incoming leads and follow-ups that will come from this new channel

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