237: Business or Betrayal – Chuck Swidzinski

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

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Before we get to the content—–I wanted to share a story—this is something that many of you may have experienced. Betrayal—-Im always confused when “friend” betrays me—or says one thing to my face and another to everyone else. I see it as betrayal and they call it business. When did the world get so scarcity minded that they will throw others under the bus just to improve their chances of winning in the market? I wont say names or the name of his company on this platform but, some of you may be familiar with him—in fact hes even been a guest on this show.

Why am I sharing this with you? Well I guess its because I wanted to highlight the fact that these people are out there and there may be more of them than we actually believe and more of them than we want to believe exist

It’s a reality and each of us needs to choose how we will respond to these people when this happens to us. Will we get hurt? Yes—its hurtful—will be get mad? Of course—we will be mad at them and we will be mad at ourselves for allowing this to happen but, how we actually respond is the true test of who we are as individuals—our character.

Being successful in life is more than the amount of money we make—-being successful is being able to navigate the sharky waters of the marketplace and never lowering ourselves and become anything like those bottom feeders that will lie, cheat and debauch themselves to win the deal.

I wanted to share—because I wanted to let this be known as a public affirmation. I commit to each and everyone of you that in business and in life I will continue to lead a life of abundance and gratitude. I hope you will continue to join me as we all build the business and lives we were destined to have.

Todays episode we talk with a guy who with just him and a few admins is able to do 130 deals a year—not work more than 40 hours a week and will never work on weekends. This guy has developed the kind of business we all got into real estate for==-==time freedom and financial freedom. We cover why you should hire an admin or va right now—-how to be super efficient and the tools he uses to get stuff done.

You can find me on twitter @superagnetslive—hashtag for the show is unpackthatidea. If your not on my list—go to superagentslive.com—download my free ebook—I hsare tips and strategies with my list I don’t share anywhere else.

And if your feeling stuck in your business and feel like you could use some help, support or just new ideas go to www.schoolofprofit.com. You can get some coaching there for less than 100 bucks a month

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Hashtag: #unpackthatidea

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We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail bubba@corcorancoaching.com and let him know you listen to the show!

This show is produced by me Toby Salgado with help from our research team and production done by ViralKast. If your building a team and want to make sure your doing it the most efficient way—-reach out to corocoran coaching—they coach 83 of the nations top producing teams and for our listeners they will give you a free business evaluation—–send an email to Bubba@corcorancoaching.com and let them know I told them to call.