223: Secret Sauce Of Growth – Barry Ezerski

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Averaging 576 deals a year for almost 10 years—–He shares his secret sauce of buying up teams that were getting out of the business.

He shares how he got into real estate—he was a journalism major and wanted to be Tom Brokaw—one day on Christmas eve—he had to fire 7 people. He hated it and wanted to do his own thing—he looked at real estate and got the bug.

He shares how he grew rapidly buying up “books of business” that were getting out of the business—-for NO money.

He shares how being in a military market has helped him survive during the financial meltdown from 2008-2013.

He shares how another piece of his secret sauce is that they focus heavily on their people—both team and past clients.

He explains how you need to be tracking every single dollar you are spending on marketing—-without tracking you will not know what’s working—he shares how radio and television for him is magic—-he’s buying television spots for almost nothing.

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