Today we talk with a sales trainer who last year did 10M dollar in production from door knocking. His name is Chandler Smith and after training hundreds of door knocking salespeople...
Learn how to maximize your top of funnel sales process by utilizing both an online and offline sales process. How to use facebook chatbots to build a list and get more leads ready to sell...
Do you even have a digital strategy? The average agent will sell less than 10 homes; work less than 30 hours a week and believes that his “online” strategy is solid. Most agents simply dont...
Building a real estate brand using the same strategies and music producers. Peter Lorimer shares how he used the same mindset and creative process to build his real estate brand as he did with #1...
The one lead generation source that is free and can yield immediate cash—-this open house strategy shared by Super Agent Chris Suarez should be the blueprint for every agent that wants to...
Without a USP your business runs the risk of being a commodity and leaves you competing on price. Finding a unique sales proposition gives you an advantage at the sales presentation. Competing on...
Lars Hedenborg has built one of the most successful teams KW has ever turned out. He comes on and shares how to build and scale a profitable team. If your more of a solopreneur—he...
I sat down with a super agent Jim Remley —- closing over 100 transactions a year and asked how he did it. Listen Here Is building a big business always a numbers game or can you hack the...
Let me ask you something—how often do you have days where y our busy all day but, seem to get nothing accomplished? Before we get to todays episode I want to share a tip that I have found...
On todays show—-my guest is a prolific investor and while we discuss investing——–although, this is much more of a rags to riches story. He shares how he went from the...