027: Plumber to Million Dollar Net Worth–Rhyan Finch shares why you should stay hungry

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Rhyan believes that by staying hungry and outworking the next guy is the key to achieving massive success.  In this episode we talk about mindset, constant improvement and bucking the trends.

We get into:

  1. How he bet on himself and did 30 transactions his first year; 60 his second and 120 year 3
  2. Why he doesn’t touch anything unless it will yield 50 deals
  3. How he scoured the streets in every nook and cranny looks for deals in the beginning
  4. Why its important to surround yourself with people more successful than yourself
  5. Why he believes in super efficiency and the power of “systems”
  6. Why you should buck the trends and if your not—–your inviting competition
  7. Quote  “Fortune is in the follow up”
  8. Rhyan unveils his strategy for following up with prospects
  9. Why he puts out 100 direction signs and how that impacts his business
  10. Why he hates email and using it means you are closed for business
  11. How wealth creation is not about making it but, earning it through passive income
  12. Why you should take risk everyday as long as its calculated risk

You can reach Rhyan at:



and his email is rhyan@1stclassagents.com