079: How To Make 2 Million Dollars A Year In Real Estate

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Episode 79

Ready to become a top producing real estate agent? Today on the show we have Super Agent Kenny Klaus who is going to share some insight on building your farm and becoming a local market expert.

After working at FedEx, Kenny took the same fundamentals he learned from running a route delivering packages to build a multimillion dollar real estate business. He discusses why it’s important to be systematic, build relationships, be consistent and how you can stay on top of your lead’s mind.

What You Need To Know About Farming

64% of people only interview 1 realtor and 94% want a realtor that is a local market expert. In order to become the expert in your neighborhood, Kenny suggests the following tips…

1. Treat it like a business: You can’t send 4 flyers throughout the year and expect to get any leads. To succeed in farming, Kenny suggests you have a 12 month budget and expect to be implementing your farming methods for at least 12-18 months for results.

2. Your Farm still needs seeding: In order to cover the most ground, you can’t rely solely on newsletters. Add as many spokes to your farm as possible with other methods like door knocking, internet leads, etc.

3. Get hyperlocal: Don’t try to cover every neighborhood in your city. Run a route and build relationships with local businesses, schools and residents. Kenny does this by sponsoring teams, holding B2B events, owning his own bar and even having Kenny Klaus moving trucks!

Tips To Getting Started

1. Pick a route that you know well: The size of your route will depend greatly on your budget, average sales price and proximity.

2. Have a well rounded newsletter: Most people toss mailers from agents because they’re all the same! Make sure that your newsletter is geographically vibrant and and acts as a community resource that readers will find valuable.

Farming can be a long term process. You can speed it up by holding open houses, walking businesses and informing your farm on relevant matters such as local events, real estate news and market updates. Some other cheap ways you can start using today include:

1. Sponsoring local sports teams

2. Giving out school supplies, team supplies and other helpful tools for parents and residents.

Resources For Farming

Use eddm.usps.com to find out how many homes are in your area code and how much it’s going to cost you to send content to your farm.

Become a certified local market expert and copy Kenny’s successful farming strategies at clme.com. Get $150 off using code: super!

Best Book For Agents

Clients First by Joseph and JoAnn Callaway

The One Thing by Gary Keller

The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney

Get a free copy using our link www.audibletrial.com/superagentslive

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